Lake (Danau)Toba
Lake Toba is a lake and supervolcano. Located in the middle of the northern part of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It is the largest volcanic lake in the world.Most of the people who live
around Lake Toba are ethnically Bataks. Traditional Batak houses are noted for their distinctive roofs.Smaller eruptions have occurred at Toba since. The small cone of Pusukbukit has formed on the southwestern margin of the caldera and lava domes. The most recent eruption may have been at Tandukbenua on the northwestern caldera edge, since the present lack of vegetation could be due to an eruption within the last few hundred years.Some parts of the caldera have experienced uplift due to partial refilling of the magma chamber, for example pushing Samosir Island and the Uluan Peninsula above the surface of the lake. Toba is probably the largest resurgent caldera on Earth. Large earthquakes have occurred in the vicinity of the volcano more recently.Lake Toba lies near the Great Sumatran fault which runs along the centre of Sumatra in the Sumatra Fracture Zone.
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